JAKARTA (April 27th 2020) - Currently, COVID-19 pandemic situation limits direct activities. However, this situation did not hinder planning for distribution of social assistance aimed to be implemented by Balai "Mulya Jaya" in Jakarta

Head of Balai, Juena Sitepu who was accompanied by Head of Sub Division of Administration, Fepi Rubianti, Head of Social Assessment and Advocacy Section, Agung Santoso, and Head of Social Rehabilitation Services Section, Edy Santoso said that in order to accelerate distribution of social assistance, current COVID-19 pandemic situation  this is not an obstacle.

"Even though we are currently in a COVID-19 pandemic situation, the programs that we have planned must continue to be implemented. The most important thing is that we must work in accordance with health protocol for handling COVID-19. Every employee who will distribute aid will be equipped with a letter of assignment as basis for carrying out activities," Juena explained to 40 employees who were present at Balai "Mulya Jaya"

The social assistance provided to Beneficiaries who have undergone a rehabilitation period in Balai for four months. This social assistance will be allocated to Beneficiary needs for opening a business of 5 million rupiah per person to sixteen Beneficiaries.

Hopefully, the distribution of social assistance for this purpose can go according to plan and utilized properly by Beneficiaries in starting their business.