JAKARTA (June 16,
2022) - The Ministry of
Social Affairs through Mulya Jaya Center in Jakarta in collaboration with Bank
Jabar Banten (BJB), opened a new account for Beneficiaries (PM) who sell at the
Atensi Creation Center (SKA) Mulya Jaya (eMJe).
The joint account
opening for the PM who runs the business in SKA eMJe aims to ensure that the profits
from business management that are obtained are fully the rights of a PM that can
be saved. With the ownership of this account, PM can manage the budget or
expenditure of the business.
Anggi Adhitya, Head of BJB Branch Office welcomed this collaboration in supporting the implementation of Mulya Jaya Center ATENSI program. One of the facilities provided by BJB for creating an account for PM doing business in SKA is the Indonesian Standard Quick Response Code (QRIS) or digital payment system. This facility will simplify and speed up the payment transaction process using a QR Code. This facility will also ensure that the money goes directly into the PM account.