ACEH BESAR (6 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Center of “Darussa'adah” Aceh conducted an assessment of the beneficiaries (PM) of children who were fire victims in Gani Village, Mau Jaya District, Aceh Besar. A total of four families have been assessed by social workers to find out their needs.


“Darussa'adah” Center took the initiative to help children of fire victims through the family-based Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) service program, which is a social rehabilitation service that is carried out directly in the victim's family / house.


This service is provided for children in families who experience an emergency. The services that will be provided are adjusted to the results of the assessment so that they are effective," explained the Head of Sub-Section for Social Rehabilitation Services, Raharjo.


The results of the assessment will be followed up by social workers in intervening, it is known that three of the four families have not received assistance from the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT).


In addition to accessing other Ministry of Social Affairs programs, social workers will also provide psychosocial support for children. "Psychosocial support is carried out to reduce the child's sense of trauma from the fires they have experienced," said Social Worker, Erna.


Also attending the activity were the Secretary of the Village of Gampong Gani, the Head of the People’s Welfare Section of the Ingin Jaya, the District Social Welfare Officer (TKSK) Ingin Jaya and local community leaders.


Previously, the fire incident burned four housing units which occurred on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at around 18.56 at local time during breaking the fast. There were no casualties in the incident but due to the construction of the house made of wood, the fire quickly spread and easily consumed the entire house, as a result the victim's property was not saved.