KUDUS (February 11, 2021) – The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Antasena" Magelang Children's Center provides Psychosocial Support Services for flood victims at the Evacuee Post in Jati Wetan Village, Jati District, Kudus Regency. The evacuees in the Evacuee Post in Jati Wetan Village consist of 30 elderly, 195 adults, 91 children, 12 toddlers and 2 pregnant women.
Psychosocial support services provided to flood victims include chatting, singing, clapping, storytelling, and making a wishing tree together. Each child wrote down their hopes or dreams and then pasted them on the wishing tree paper and put them on the wall of the post. The activity ended with eating snacks together.
One of the evacuees, Ida who is currently in grade 1 of Elementary School, expressed her feelings. "I'm happy to be able to play and eat snacks," she said.
“Hopefully our presence can be memorable and useful for the children. Children must stay healthy, enthusiastic, and study hard," said Antasena Children's Center Social Worker Hesti Ambar Widagdo who was present representing the Head of the Center.
The Head of the Jetis Wetan Village Youth Organization M. Khoirur Ridho said that the flooding was caused by heavy rains and the overflow of the Wulan River runoff. Residents have started evacuating since Friday, February 5, 2021. The evacuees are residents of RW 2 and RW 3, Jati Wetan Village. "Thank you for helping and inviting the children to play. They were entertained and helped overcome the trauma. The children were very enthusiastic and followed the officers' directions," he added.
Previously, on Thursday, February 10, 2021, the Antasena Children's Center Outreach Team (TRC) conducted an assessment in Jati District and Jati Wetan Village. As for the Jati sub-district, there are 5 villages affected by the flood, namely Jati Wetan Village, Jetis Kapuan, Tanjung Karang, Pasuran Lor, and Jati Kulon Village. Meanwhile, 2 other sub-districts in Kudus Regency which were affected by the flood include Kaliwungu and Flood Districts.
Humas Balai Antasena Magelang
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N