SLEMAN (April 22, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Antasena Children Center in Magelang sent a Case Response Team to conduct an assessment and provide Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) assistance to babies with respiratory distress and provide psychosocial assistance to their parents.
The delivery of ATENSI support was carried out at the Social Service Office of Sleman Regency by Arif Nurhidayat, Head of the Administrative Sub-Division of the "Antasena" Children Center, and was received directly by Maryatin, the baby's father witnessed by Wisnu Wardoyo, Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of the Sleman Regency Social Office and the Social Work Service Unit Sleman Regency, which was also present, accompanied the baby's parents.
Arif said that the assistance provided was 15 sachets of special baby vitamins, 2 packs of disposable diapers, 5 sets of baby clothes, and IDR1,500,000 used for medical expenses. "This ATENSI support is a form of concern from the Ministry of Social Affairs in an effort to realize social welfare for children," he added.
Wisnu conveyed his gratitude to the "Antasena" Children Center for caring and paying attention to children in the Sleman Regency area. "Please also help if there are problems, children can ask for help from the Center," said Wisnu.
Royfahri Rizki Samudra, who is currently 59 days old, was born on February 19, 2021, at the Arvita Bunda Mother and Child Special Hospital (RSKIA) and is male. Born with abnormalities in his lungs, RSKIA Arvita Bunda then referred Royfahri's baby to the Sarjito General Hospital (RSUP) in Yogya which was immediately placed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Room of the Integrated Central Surgery Building (GBST) and installed a breathing apparatus. and eat. The baby's current condition is still breathing through a respirator, so he cannot be brought home to be treated at home.
Before providing ATENSI assistance, the Case Response Team consisting of Social Workers at the "Antasena" Children Center conducted an assessment on February 19, 2021. Together with Sleman Regency Social Worker Serve Unit, the Team then coordinated with the Sleman Regency Social Office and was met by the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Section for the Socially Disadvantaged. Gunadi. Furthermore, the Case Response Team together with Sakti Peksos of Sleman Regency met the baby's parents at dr. Sarjito to conduct an assessment.
Based on the assessment carried out, it is known from the doctor's diagnosis that the baby is experiencing respiratory distress, namely severe breathing problems caused by fluid buildup in the alveoli or small air sacs in the lungs. While the needs of children needed are baby clothes, disposable diapers, and Similac vitamins, which are special vitamins for babies mixed with breast milk (ASI) and medicines purchased with a doctor's prescription.
The family asked for help to buy medicine and milk. The baby's father, Maryatin, works as a sand miner, while his mother, Sri Prihatin, is a housewife. The family lives in Rt 003 Rw 003 Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. Information was also obtained that the Maryatin family had not yet received the Family Hope Program Aid.
Currently, Royfahri's birth certificate is being processed at the Sleman Regency Population and Civil Registry Office. The Social Service will also immediately enter it into the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) after the baby's parents' population files are given to the Social Service by the Social Worker of "Antasena" Children Center. This is done to make it easier for them to access assistance. As for medical expenses, they can be claimed by BPJS because the mother has a Healthy Indonesia Card.
Maryatin expressed her gratitude to the "Antasena" Children Center for providing assistance to her child. "I will use the assistance as best I can and ask for prayers so that my child can recover quickly so he can go home so he can be cared for at home," he said.