MAGELANG (March 6, 2021) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat today visited the Magelang "Antasena" Children's Center to review the readiness of the ATENSI Creation Center. Harry was accompanied by the Director of Children's Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, the Director of Elderly Social Rehabilitation, Andi Hanindito and the Head of the "Antasena" Children's Center, Faisal and his staff.

Harry Hikmat reviewed the existing facilities and infrastructure, including a car wash workshop, a building for a culinary center, a welding workshop skills building, carpentry, a motorcycle repair shop, hydroponic plants, painting skills and therapeutic vehicles, plant seeds in polybags, catfish hatchery, barber shop, showroom, skill room, home industry, and electronic equipment service.

"I think it's enough that there is no need to add more to the building, it just needs some changes and refreshes its appearance. Some unused buildings or rooms can be used again," said Harry. He also asked Faisal to immediately prepare facilities and infrastructure including updating outdated equipment as a place for developing vocational and entrepreneurial skills through cafes, galleries, laundry, workshops, youth centers, hydroponic gardens, and fruit plant nurseries.

The Director of Child Social Rehabilitation hopes that when the youth center is operational, not only children who are undergoing rehabilitation here, but children or youth from outside can also participate in channeling their interests and talents here.

The Head of the Center expressed his deepest gratitude to the Director General of Social Affairs and the Director of Child Social Affairs and their entourage for the directions given. "We are ready to follow up on the directions given by the Director General and Mrs. Director in order to optimize services to beneficiaries by providing various types of skills with skill products that are easily marketed," said Faisal.

"We are also ready to immediately realize the ATENSI Creation Center which aims to provide entrepreneurial guidance for beneficiaries and former beneficiaries. And according to the direction of the Director General, beneficiaries will be given the opportunity to do internships at the Semesta Area Resto and Coffee. Beneficiaries will learn to prepare menu and learn to be a barista,” continued Faisal.

Located about 5 minutes from Borobudur Temple, Semesta Area Resto and Coffee is a restaurant with a traditional Javanese concept, both from the architecture of the building and from the food and drink menu. Especially for coffee connoisseurs, here is also available Semesta Coffee which provides Arabica and Robusta coffee produced by local farmers in the Menoreh hills, Magelang Regency.