JAKARTA (April 29th 2020) - Head of Social Rehabilitation Center for Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Handayani" Jakarta, Neneng Heryani and her staff today distributed food materials for Beneficiaries (PM) who are currently in family care for the time being. Food ingredients are dry and wet ingredients which are distributed to 46 PM.

PMs who live around DKI Jakarta can immediately take the food ingredients to Balai.  Meanwhile, food materials for PM who live outside DKI Jakarta will be distributed by Balai officers to their respective homes.

In her direction, Head of Balai reminded that the distribution of food materials must still follow safety protocol for preventing COVID-19, which is keep using masks, gloves and maintaining distance. To avoid crowds, the Balai made a schedule for each parents who came to collect the food ingredients.

"This is an effort to fulfill PM's nutrition and help alleviate burden on families during COVID-19 pandemic," said Neneng Heryani.

Furthermore, food ingredients will still be given to the beneficiaries until the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.