BOGOR (1 June 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Ciungwanara Bogor Center continues to develop entrepreneurship and vocational training for former beneficiaries and develop media that can facilitate the promotion of the work of beneficiaries in an inclusive area. Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Tri Rismaharini, Ciungwanara Center continues to strive to realize the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA).


Art Therapy is one of the flagship programs in the ATENSI Creation Center at Ciungwanara Center. Art Therapy is believed to be able to help someone explore themselves so that it is hoped that later it will help that person in dealing with the problems they face.


Commonly used techniques such as drawing, painting, coloring, sculpting, making collages, singing or dancing.


While working on a work of art, we analyze what has been done and how we feel about the work. Through art, we can see the inner conflict that is experienced so that it affects thoughts, emotions, and behavior.


The mural technique is one part of Art Therapy which is highlighted by Ciungwanara Center.


Along the walls of the CIWA Cafe's ATENSI Creation Center is filled with mural paintings with environmental themes (floral). This theme was appointed following the expectations of the Head of Ciungwanara Center, Siti Sari Rumayanti, who stated that this theme aims to provide a fresh, beautiful, and soft natural feel so that visitors, as well as beneficiaries who are in the CIWA Cafe environment, can feel relaxed, reduce pressure from various aspects of life.


"Our hope is that every visitor can feel peace and happiness so that they will return from Cafe CIWA with a happy heart," said Sari.


In addition to being filled with mural paintings, one spot on the walls of Cafe CIWA is filled with various handprints of beneficiaries and employees. They are given the freedom to express themselves by choosing paint colors according to their mood.


One of the Beneficiaries said that he chose pink to decorate his palms because his heart was happy to be in the Ciungwanara Center with good friends and employees who always guide him.