GOWA (May 8th, 2020) – One of the efforts of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) in providing the best service to the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic is to still have their lives guaranteed. Today, Friday (8/5), the Vice Regent of Gowa, Abdul Rauf Malanganni, distributed social assistance (bansos) for the Social Rehabilitation Program for the Elderly (PROGRES-LU) for 8,900 elderly in 10 Working Areas for the “Gau Mabaji” Social Rehabilitation Center for the Elderly (BRSLU) in Gowa.

The distribution of the PROGRES-LU Social Assistance is channeled through 157 Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) scattered in the working area of the Gau Mabaji Elderly Center. The ten working areas cover the provinces of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, NTB, NTT, and Bali.

The situation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Gowa Regency causes limited space for movement so that the Elderly Center cannot directly participate in distributing social assistance. Therefore, the symbolization of social assistance distribution is carried out in Gowa Regency as the domicile location of the elderly center.

The distribution of PROGRES-LU social assistance was carried out online via Zoom App, which was attended by 21 participants. This activity was attended by the Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito, the Head of the Gowa Regency Social Service, Syamsuddin, the Head of the Gau Mabaji Elderly Center, Syam Wuryani, and 12 LKS in South Sulawesi.

In his speech, the Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito, expressed his gratitude to the Vice Regent who was willing to launch PROGRES-LU Social Assistance.

"We would like to thank the Vice Regent who is willing to inaugurate and launch the PROGRES-LU Social Assistance," said Andi.

A total of 24.03 billion rupiahs in assistance for 8,900 elderly was distributed through 157 LKS accounts spread across 10 Balai work areas, which would later be given to each elderly. Each of them gets social assistance of 2.7 million rupiahs. Those who receive assistance are poor elderly and affected by COVID-19.

Head of the Gau Mabaji Elderly Center, Syam Wuryani, ensured that the distribution of PROGRES-LU social assistance would be well-targeted for poor elderly and elderly who are affected by COVID-19 because they had gone through the verification and validation stages of data by the PROGRES-LU Social Assistance Team at the Gau Mabaji Elderly Center.

"I make sure the distribution of PROGRES-LU social assistance is well-targeted because the verification and validation process has been carried out by our team previously. Besides, that the recipients of this social assistance will certainly not receive other assistance so that no double assistance is received by the beneficiaries," Yani said.

In this activity, the Vice Regent of Gowa, Abdul Rauf Malaggani, attended. Karaeng Kio, which is his nickname, expressed his gratitude for the attention given by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Gau Mabaji Elderly Center for the elderly in the South Sulawesi region, especially Gowa Regency. Gowa Regency received PROGRES-LU social assistance with a total of 2.951 billion rupiahs for 1093 elderly people that will be distributed through 12 LKS in Gowa Regency.

"We represent the Government of Gowa Regency to express our gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Gau Mabaji Elderly Center for paying special attention to the elderly in our area by providing social assistance, which is worth 2.9 billion," said Abdul.

Dg Iji (70), one of the assistance recipients said that he was very happy to receive assistance at this urgent time. For the elderly who live in LKS on a daily basis, this assistance is very helpful during the emergency period of COVID-19.

"I am very happy to receive this assistance because it really lightens the burden and helps me face difficult times like today," said Dg Iji.