JAKARTA (April 23rd 2020) - In the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, so many impacts are felt by the community. Limited activities, especially in the economic sector, reduce income for most citizens. As a result of this impact, today Balai "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta distributed basic food packages to residents around the Balai environment, namely in Gedong Village, Pasar Rebo District.

Previously, the Balai "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta Team and local RT officers had conducted data collection to identify families who really need assistance. These basic food packages were distributed to fifty household heads, most of whom worked in the informal sector and were also elderly.

The head of the Balai "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta, Juena Sitepu, was accompanied by the Head of the Sub Division of Administration, Fepi Rubianti, and the Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section, Agung Santoso, also attended the distribution of the basic food packages assistance. Juena said that this was a form of social care and responsibility, especially for residents around the Balai environment.

"The activity of distributing basic food packages is carried out as our concern from the center to the surrounding community. We are handing over food packages containing 5 kg of rice, 1 liter of vegetable oil, 5 packs of instant noodles, and 1 biscuit. Hopefully this will be useful to help residents," said Juena.

The community felt greatly helped by the distribution of this aid. As stated by one of the Heads of the Family, "Thanks to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Balai "Mulya Jaya" for providing this basic food package. It’s very useful for me and my family," said Ahmad.

In addition, today Balai "Mulya Jaya" in Jakarta also distributed social assistance packages of basic food from the Ministry of Social Affairs to Non-Civil Servant Employees (PPNPN) consisting of rice, cooking oil, eggs, instant noodles, milk, tea and canned sardines.

"Thank you very much, Ministry of Social Affairs, this assistance is very useful for us", said Suparno, one of the PPNPN at the Balai "Mulya Jaya".

By doing this, the distribution of these basic food is expected to help ease the economic burden of residents in meeting their daily needs.