WEST LOMBOK (June 13, 2022) - The National Planning and Development Agency (Bappenas) through the Directorate of Development Funding Allocation with Representatives of the Program and Reporting Section of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs visited the "Paramita" Center in Mataram. The visit was carried out to strengthen the planning and budgeting process for Social Protection, especially related to Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services.


The visit of Bappens to "Paramita" Center Mataram was the first time. Bappenas wants to know how far the utilization of the APBN that is channeled to MoSA, especially the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation with ATENSI services, and the challenges faced in carrying out these services.


"One of the reasons we came here was after learning about the case of a child whose body covered in chili and viral on social media, which was handled by "Paramita" Center, said Wisnu Hendrianto, Coordinator of the Human Development and Cultural Team of Bappenas.


“The impression we got during our visit was very good. We are very happy because we can communicate directly with the employees as well as hear the stories about the daily life of the beneficiaries. The employees are not only friendly and patient in dealing with the beneficiaries, but can also build their enthusiasm regardless of their various backgrounds. Apart from the management, the environment of the Center itself is very supportive of the recovery process for the beneficiaries. The atmosphere of green grass, trees, and various well-maintained facilities give the impression of a peaceful and beautiful environment. Meanwhile, from the beneficiary's point of view, they practice a lot of new skills every day which is expected to help them in supporting their life after 'grading' from the Center," said Wisnu.


Wisnu also said that it was very important for the Bappenas team to conduct field visits like this. Through this visit, it was seen how the budget allocation had been used properly to provide social rehabilitation for people in need. Moreover, they can also see that even with the limited budget, the Center can still provide maximum service through various creativity and innovations from its managers. “from what we see in the location and the discussions we have held can provide many useful inputs for the next planning and budgeting process, especially those related to social programs”, concluded Wisnu while at Paramita Cafe.


During the visit, the Head of "Paramita" Center, I Ketut Supena, also invited a team from Bappenas to see the environmental conditions of the Center. The team visited the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) which included Paramita Cafe, Grocery Store, Laundry Business, Car and Motorcycle Wash Business, Production Welding Business, Carpentry, and Automotive Repair.

"The skills given to our beneficiaries are the result of assessments from social workers, psychologists, social counselors, and instructors. Through exploring the potential of these beneficiaries, then we make the basis for providing interventions with seven ATENSI components, one of which is improving life skills and entrepreneurial skills," he said. The results of this working visit will be input for Bappenas in the allocation of priority funding in the preparation of the RKP (Govt Performance Plan) and RPJMN (National Medium-Term Development Plan) in the future.