MADIUN (October 22, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Physical Dissabilities (BBRSPDF) "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta, as an Technical Implementation Unit Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs who handles social rehabilitation services for people with physical disabilities, again carried out interventions and delivered intended assistance (BanTu) of 2 million rupiah directly distributed through BRI to participants as business capital used for the purchase of materials and equipment.

Livelihood Therapy (livelihood) which is given in the form of entrepreneurial skills. The family-based social rehabilitation Intervention (RSBK) was followed by 45 Social Welfare Service Recipient accompanied by 45 family people held in Mejayan subdistrict of Madiun Regency.

Head of BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta" is represented by the head of Technical services social rehabilitation, Munawari hope with this activity so that people with disabilities can be physically fit, have a sense of togetherness, social relations and positive mental attitude and synergize with institutions/related agencies/citizens.

Munawari further said that there need to be good and proper management so that all participants are able to entrepreneurship.

"Therefore, in seeking self-reliance and quality of life Social Welfare Service Recipient, then Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Physical Dissabilities (BBRSPDF)" Prof. Dr. Soeharso "Surakarta took a synergistic step with the government of Madiun," He Said.

This activity was opened by Suyudi as the economic and development assistant who accompanied by Head of social service district Madiun and attended SKPD of Madiun Regency, Camat and Muspika, the head of the associated village and other invited guests, welcomed enthusiastically by the participants and companions from the family.

The regent of Madiun in the greeting represented by Suyudi appreciates the implementation of this RSBK activity.

"I hope that this activity can accommodate the wishes and needs of the disability in Madiun Regency to be better and independently, emphasizing the importance of companion and disability roles as a priority in the development of social welfare in Madiun Regency," he explained.

RSBK activities are held for three days, namely 22-24 October 2019 at the Klecorejo Village Hall, Mejayan subdistrict, Madiun Regency, with entrepreneurship in the form of gastronomy, electro and livestock services.