HUMBANG HASUNDUTAN (December 5th 2019) - Center for Social Rehabilitation for Intellectual Disability (BBRSPDI) "Kartini" in Temanggung carried out the Termination of Social Rehabilitation Family Strengthening Program for persons with intellectual disabilities in Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra on 5 December 2019 at the Hutamas hall. This activity was a trial for the development of the BBRSPDI “Kartini” Temanggung service model which was first carried out outside Java.


A total of 20 beneficiaries (PM) from four districts received accompaniment and self-reliance assistance. They are accompanied by five cadres who routinely provide assistance once a week. In this assistance, cadres educate and train families about proper care for persons with intellectual disabilities.


In their testimony, the cadre conveyed many changes after PM received this service, namely: PM looks cleaner, is more diligent in bathing and brushing his teeth, some PMs are starting to have the courage to interact with other people, get involved in environmental activities such as parties and activities at church.


Murhardjani, Head of BBRSPDI "Kartini" in Temanggung, said, "this termination activity means that on a budget basis, we will end the mentoring activities, but we will still oversee the continuation of this program. Next, we will hand over the guidance, mentoring and monitoring of this program to the Humbang Hasundutan Regency Social Service. PM, family and cadres are having difficulties so that the Social Service will provide guidance in the hope that this program can continue."


In this termination event, an MoU was also signed between BBRSPDI "Kartini" Temanggung and the Social Service of Humbang Hasundutan Regency. At the end of the activity, Murhardjani handed over therapy materials, stationery and symbolic of self-reliance assistance.