TEMANGGUNG (May 13, 2020) - In order to ease the burden on the poor and vulnerable people amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the government through the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed Cash Social Assistance (BST) in Temanggung Regency, Central Java Province, which recorded as many as 24,002 BST recipients. The distribution of the first batch of BST was carried out in Kedu District which was divided into 4 distribution points, namely the Kedu Village Center, the Bandunggede Village Center, the Mergowati Village Center, and the Gondangwayang Village Center with a total of 1,645 beneficiary families (KPM).

The “Kartini” Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (BBRSPDI) in Temanggung as the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs is in charge of monitoring the BST distribution process. Before releasing the Team’s departure, Langgeng Setiawan as the Head of the Center gave instructions regarding matters that needed to be considered by officers. “Our task is to monitor the flow of BST distribution activities so that they run in an orderly manner. Apart from that, the officers must pay attention to the COVID-19 prevention protocols. Keep your distance, don’t make physical contact, and wear masks and gloves,” Langgeng emphasized.

After receiving instructions, the Team immediately drove to the respective points where BST was distributed. The distribution was carried out by the Social Service of Temanggung Regency in collaboration with PT Pos Indonesia. Each KPM receives cash assistance of 600 thousand rupiahs per month, then this assistance will be provided by the government for the next three months so that the total that will be received is 1.8 million rupiahs.

The PKH facilitators of Kedu District, Danang, who also oversees this distribution, said, “Recipients are those who are not included in other government programs that are already running such as PKH and BPNT,” Danang added, all BST recipients were registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

With the active role of the BBRSPDI "Kartini" Temanggung in monitoring the BST distribution, activities run smoothly and orderly. Assistance is targeted precisely for people in need as a result of being affected by COVID-19.