BOGOR (May 22, 2020) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through the “Cibinong” Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities in Bogor launched 585 basic food assistance packages. This assistance is given to persons with disabilities in the Bogor City and Regency areas.

The head of the “Cibinong” Center, Manggana Lubis, said that the BBRVPD as an extension of the Ministry of Social Affairs is ready to help citizens, especially disabled people. “Persons with disabilities are a group that is vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Manggana.

In its distribution, the “Cibinong” Center collaborated with Social Welfare Institutions (LKS), including the Indonesian Muslim Blind Association (ITMI), the Indonesian Blind Association (Pertuni), and the Indonesian Disability Action Foundation. The assistance is distributed directly to persons with disabilities through LKS.

Regarding the composition of the assistance, Manggana said that it was adjusted to the needs of the persons with disabilities, which consisted of 5 kg of rice, 2 liters of cooking oil, biscuits, instant noodles, ready-to-eat food, and personal hygiene kits worth Rp300,000 per person.

The distribution of this assistance received a good response from the beneficiaries. One of the beneficiaries, Wahyono (42 years old), appreciated the Center for distributing assistance directly to them. “Thanks to Cibinong Center, this assistance is very useful for me,” said Wahyono.

“The “Cibinong” Center will still distribute basic food assistance to persons with disabilities in Depok City, South Tangerang City, Bekasi City, and Bekasi Regency, as well as residents around the center who are vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic—thus they need the assistance, which will be implemented after Eid,” said Manggana.

Lastly, Manggana hopes that this assistance can ease the burden on the people, especially persons with disabilities. This assistance is an effort of the Ministry of Social Affairs through the “Cibinong” Center to find out who has not received assistance and to respond to public’s complaints about how they cannot fulfill their basic needs due to the economy that cannot run properly in the COVID-19 pandemic.