NORTH SUMATERA (October 7, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center Phala Martha in Sukabumi carried out reunification and termination of residential-based social rehabilitation assistance services to beneficiaries in North Sumatra.


The beneficiary is a person with a mental disability, with the initials DH (45 years old) has been separated for 12 years from his family in Sipupus Village, Padang Bolak Julu District, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra Province.


DH left the house until he was stranded in Surabaya, East Java. Until finally DH was referred by UPTD Liponsos Keputih Surabaya to undergo social rehabilitation services at Phala Martha at the end of March 2021.


While at the Center until early October 2021, his mental health condition was stable and calm and he was able to participate in the activities at the Center, including Physical Therapy, Psychosocial Therapy, Spiritual Mental Therapy, Vocational Therapy of Ornamental Plants and Fisheries.


The Social Worker always evaluates DH's progress and keeps trying to trace the whereabouts of his family.


From the search results, DH still has a family, then the social worker can find his whereabouts and establish communication with DH's family.


According to the Padang Bolak Julu Regional Babinsa (noncommissioned law enforcement officer), the PKH Companion of North Padang Lawas Regency and Head of Social Rehabilitation Division of North Padang Lawas Regency gave information that DH has a younger sister named Dina Mariana.


"DH's biological sister and biological mother hope that Phala Martha can take DH home," said Babinsa.


The results of the evaluation conducted on DH showed that DH already had good social functioning. The family has also been found and is ready to receive him back at home so that DH is ready to be sent home.


Rahardian Wherlita, a Social Worker who represents Phala Martha to reunify and hand over DH back to his family at home on October 5, 2021.


Dina Mariana is DH's younger sister, very grateful and thanks Phala Martha for reuniting DH and looking after DH while at the Center.

Muhammad Affan as the Head of Social Rehabilitation of the North Padang Lawas Regency Social Service also expressed his gratitude to Phala Martha. "We will try to assist DH", he said. "And we can also monitor the development of DH", he hoped.

Also present on the occasion: the Village Secretary, PKH Companion, the Social Service of North Padang Lawas Regency, and the family and neighbors gathered at DH's house.

The atmosphere of emotion, full of intimacy and gratitude was felt to welcome DH's return home. Dishes are deliberately prepared by the family for the guests who are present as a feeling of family happiness and gratitude.