JAKARTA (November 19, 2019) - A total of five Beneficiaries (PM) of the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Hearing and Speaking Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSRW) "Melati" signed work contracts as employees of PT. Midi Utama Indonesia (Alfamidi) on Friday, November 8, 2019 at the DC Alfamidi Office, Cikarang.
The five beneficiaries were Andi Jaya Putra, Ryargo Utomo, Safwatullah, Hendry Agustina, and Agista Anas. Previously, they had gone through several fairly rigorous recruitment stages, starting from administrative selection, psychological testing and interviews on October 21, 2019, to field tryouts on November 1-3 2019. social rehabilitation at Hall, even two of them have only been the PM Hall for three weeks.
Of course this is a noteworthy success, especially since Hall implemented the Progress 5.0 New Platform through four main programs, namely therapy, social assistance (BanTu), Social Care, and Family Support.
The head of Center "Melati", Pujianto, immediately let go of the PM's departure from the Center and advised the beneficiaries to work seriously for their independence in the future. "This is a good opportunity for you to prove that you can achieve, show good work ethics and hard work," said Pujianto.
He also emphasized to the beneficiaries parents who were also present, that parents must support their children to work and live independently. "The process of distributing beneficiaries Center's work to companies is taken consistently and openly, and must involve active approval and support from parents," Pujianto concluded.
On behalf of the company, Dina, HRD Alfamidi expressed his gratitude to BRSPDSRW "Melati" for their cooperation and assistance so far, especially in preparing the beneficiaries to meet the competency standards of Alfamidi employees. "We would like to thank the hall, it has helped us a lot in realizing the company's commitment to open jobs for friends with disabilities," said Dina.
He also provides motivation to beneficiaries who have just been accepted as employees, so that they do not have to worry and feel insecure about working at Alfamidi, because in this company we help each other and every time there is employee assistance if there are problems in work.
After signing the work contract, the PM immediately gets an identification number, performs attendance fingerprint input, and employee ID Card. After that, together with the parents, they had the opportunity to take a tour and get acquainted with their respective divisions. They look enthusiastic and confident. We hope that they can successfully show their work achievements for a better future of independence.