JAKARTA (March 3rd 2020) - The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation presents to provide education to 80 students SD Binus School Simprug visiting the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. The education included showing educational videos of drugs, introducing access cars and disability tools from BBRVPD "Cibinong" Bogor, Braille Around the library car owned by BLBI "Abiyoso", braille books, learning to read braille and Handycrafts from BRSPDSN "Tan Miyat" Bekasi, Therapy Occupation from BRSPDI "Ciungwanara" Bogor and Gameboard from the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation.

After being greeted directly by the Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara who was accompanied by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto and Echelon 2 in the Ministry of Social Affairs, the children were divided into several groups. Each group is provided with one guide. Then this guide invited the children to tour the exhibitions from each Directorate General, one of which was the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.

The children were very impressed and interested in the various exhibitions and demonstrations that were shown. Some children even tried to play gameboard, try out disabled access cars and learn to make braille. "I am happy to be able to try this disabled access car," answered one of the children.