CIMAHI (December 16th 2019) - The Indonesian Braille Literacy Center (BLBI) "Abiyoso" in Cimahi carried out the activities for Standardization of Production Results in the Balai meeting building. This activity was attended by 15 participants from the BLBI "Abiyoso" environment and two resource persons, namely Teguh Prakosa from the National Standardization Agency (BSN), and Didi Tarsidi, an academic and practitioner in the field of braille literacy.
In his remarks, as well as opening the activity, Isep Sepriyan as the Head of BLBI "Abiyoso" expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation for the willingness of the speakers to provide material related to standardization development, especially the standardization of braille literacy products. Isep also said that, as mandated in the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2018 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of Technical Implementing Units in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, one of the duties and functions of the BLBI "Abiyoso" is as a national reference center in the field of literacy braille. Therefore, of course all BLBI "Abiyoso" services and products need to have a standard to be used as a national reference for braille literacy production.
Meanwhile, Teguh Prakosa, explained that to obtain the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) from BSN, there are a number of steps and procedures that need to be passed. According to him, so far there has not been any institution in Indonesia that has registered to BSN to obtain SNI in the field of braille literacy. This means, if the BLBI Abiyoso succeeds in obtaining SNI, other institutions that are also in charge of braille literacy production must refer to the standards prepared by BLBI "Abiyoso".
In the third session, Didi Tarsidi focused on discussing techniques and formats for the preparation of braille and audio books. For example, in terms of using braille paper, recording audio books, editing, and storing recordings on the server. Didi explained that with the right format, the BLBI "Abiyoso" product would be more useful because it would be more accessible to PDSN.
With the insights and knowledge as well as the network obtained in the Production Result Standardization Compilation activities, it is hoped that the BLBI "Abiyoso" can soon become a national reference center for braille literacy by first obtaining legality in the form of SNI from BSN.