JAKARTA (March 9th 2020) - This morning, all employees, PPNPN and PPKS have carried out routine Morning Parade every Monday. This morning parade are done differently. In the midst of his remarks, the Head of the Center carried out the Socialization of the Declaration of the Integrity Zone, which is part of the National Movement for the Development of the Integrity Zone towards a Area Free from Corruption/ Clean Serving Bureaucratic Area.

In her direction, Juena conveyed the importance of this socialization to increase knowledge and insight about the WBK / WBBM Integrity Zone which will begin to be implemented in the Balai environment.

"In the future all of us will start to improve ourselves and our performance, documenting all forms of services we have provided to PPs, and to the outside community," said Juena.

The purpose of this activity is also to meet the absolute indicator requirements and to obtain an assessment of operational indicators as a Work Unit with a WBK / WBBM predicate. "To all employees, PPNPN and PPKS, let's make this declaration a momentum to commit together to perform in providing the best service," said Juena.

After the remarks, the Head of the Center signed the Charter of the Declaration of the Development of the Integrity Zone which was witnessed by the Structural Officer, and all Balai Staff.