BOGOR (March 4th 2020) - To support the Social Rehabilitation Program for PPKS, BRS Watunas conducts Socialization and Outreach for Service Recipients at LKS Lekas, Bogor Regency. This activity aims to provide outreach to the LKS Management and especially to PPKS regarding the social rehabilitation program implemented by the Balai.

LKS Lekas ​​is an LKS which deals with ex-prostituted women (WTS) and victims of violence. The socialization and outreach activities for recipients of this service were attended by all managers of Lekas ​​LKS and PPKS assisted by LKS Lekas ​​as many as 20 former WTS.

The purpose of this activity is to socialize the Balai program, and provide an overview to PPKS regarding the social rehabilitation process within the Balai. "Hopefully in the future, there will be PPKS who are motivated to participate in activities at the Balai without any coercion from any party," said Juena when giving a speech.

Furthermore, the Chairman of Lekas ​​Lekas, Mr. Muchsin, welcomed the hospitality and activities held this time. By going directly to see and interact with service recipients it will be very effective in conveying information, said Muchsin.

On this occasion, in addition to explaining the Balai Program, Juena as the Head of the Center offered to collaborate to open a joint business in groups with PPKS in the form of batik or other businesses that could be carried out in the area according to market interest. "With a group effort, it will facilitate cooperation, coordination and reduce the worst risks that will occur. LKS Lekas ​​as the coordinator is also easier to monitor," said Juena.

PPKS enthusiasm was very visible during the discussion session to listen to each other's opinions and complaints.