EAST BELITUNG (December 6th 2019) - Head of Social Assessment and Advocacy Section Lifyarman accompanied by the Head of Social Rehabilitation Services Section Nurhasanah and Sarah, Social Workers of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Alyatama" in Jambi visited the famous East Belitung Regency Social Service as the "City of Laskar Pelangi". Not only for a visit, the team departed with the intention of making efforts to ensure that the verdict of Children Against the Law, namely "A" in East Belitung Regency, in order to receive further social rehabilitation at BRSAMPK "Alyatama".

As a Social Welfare Organizing Institution (LPKS), BRSAMPK “Alyatama” in Jambi has a constitutional mandate to carry out social rehabilitation for children in conflict with the law. The team met with the Head of the Child Protection Section Silviana, the Head of the Social Security Section, Meza and Sakti Peksos of East Belitung Regency, Tri and the child who is now under the supervision of the local Social Service during the trial process.

This effort is to encourage Sakti Peksos as a child companion to provide recommendations to the Prosecutor to place children in LPKS. Because the child is still 13 years old, and refers to Law No. 11 of 2012, that children under 14 are only subject to action penalties, so they can immediately receive guidance at LPKS.

This activity also simultaneously introduced advanced social rehabilitation programs provided by BRSAMPK "Alyatama" Jambi to the local Social Service so that they could be used as a reference for recommendations for placing ABH in the Balai during the trial next week's decision to the prosecutor.