JAMBI (April 21st 2020) - Corona virus or COVID-19 is still a terrible scourge in Indonesia and even around the world. Its spread is so fast and wide that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this a pandemic. In order to avoid the transmission of COVID-19, many efforts have been made by various groups as a form of prevention. One form of prevention that can be done to avoid exposure to COVID-19 is routine personal health checks as carried out by Beneficiaries (PM) at the Balai Anak "Alyatama".

The activity which is routinely carried out every Tuesday also aims to find out the health status of each PM while undergoing advanced social rehabilitation services in the Balai. As many as 17 PMs had their turn to consult with dr. Anna as a doctor in collaboration with the Balai Anak "Alyatama". Types of examinations carried out are in the form of physical examinations, vital signs such as weighing body weight and blood pressure, as well as examinations if there are complaints experienced by the PM.

The health check, accompanied by nurses from the Balai Anak "Alyatama", also got enthusiasm from the PM. They use this examination to communicate and update information about COVID-19.

"The condition of PM at the Balai based on the results of the examination was declared all healthy. This is in response to concerns during the pandemic regarding PM's condition before being examined by a doctor," said Fika as a nurse.

Each PM has also carried out other preventive measures such as social distancing, routinely washing hands using soap, wearing masks, providing hand sanitizers in the pockets of each PPKS, and implementing clean living habits. The hope of implementing this preventive effort is that all PMs remain in prime condition while carrying out their social rehabilitation services in the Balai.