JAMBI (January 15, 2020) - "Alyatama" Child in need of Special Protection Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSAMPK “Alyatama”) in Jambi strengthens its network with local agencies, institutions and human resources. The Center reached out to West Tanjung Jabung Social Service Agency, Tanjung Jabung Barat National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) and pillars of local Social Participation/social welfare human resources. These pillars are Social Service Dedicating Unit (Sakti Peksos), PKH Facilitators, District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK), Community Social Workers, and Children Social Welfare Institution Management.

The commitment shows in an agreement to strengthen the Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) and local Human Resources of Child Social Rehabilitation Program (Progressa), manifestation of Capacity Building in terms of therapy, family support, and social care. Tasks of BRSAMPK are coordinating the regions, strengthening the capacity of local Social Welfare Institution (LKS) and human resources in advance rehabilitation of Children with Special Protection (AMPK).

Head of BRSAMPK Alyatama, Imron Rosadi, had a hearing and agreed on an important outline of synergy with Sarifudin, Head of West Tanjung Jabung Social Service Agency along with staff and Zulfikri, Head of Tanjung Jabung Barat National Disaster Mitigation Agency. This occasion was used to exchange ideas and experiences with the Chairperson of the Community Social Workers Association, Coordinator of PKH Facilitators in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, with the TKSK Coordinator and Chairperson of Family Welfare Consultation Institute. “After this one-day meeting there will be follow-up joint activities, case responses, Children in Need of Special Protection (AMPK) assistance and so on," Imron said.