TALIWANG (December 6th 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Need Special Protection "Paramita" Mataram (BRSAMPK) carried out cross-agency coordination with the West Sumbawa Regency Social Service (KSB). The team led directly by the Head of BRSAMPK "Paramita" in Mataram, Ahmad Subarkah, was received directly by the Head of the KSB Social Service, Syaifuddin who welcomed and thanked the balai team for coming.

On this occasion, Ahmad Subarkah coordinated the change of PSMP Paramita to BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram, which had an impact on system policies and service targets. Subarkah emphasizes three things. "First, the type of service implemented is advanced social rehabilitation with an emphasis on changing the behavior of the beneficiaries. Second, the service time ranges from three to six months," Ahmad explained.

Finally, said Ahmad, all services in BRSAMPK "Paramita" are free of charge or free. "This needs to be disseminated to the public so that there are no certain parties acting on behalf of the hall for personal gain".