MATARAM (28 October 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Paramita" Mataram carried out Family Support activities for one day from morning to evening, attended by 30 parents or beneficiary families (PM) who comes from NTB and Bali.

The activity was opened by the Head of BRSAMPK "Paramita", Ahmad Subarkah. He said that it is important for parents to know the appropriate parenting pattern for their children, so that the closeness between parent and child can arise.

"This activity facilitates parents and children in building a joint commitment to the success of the social rehabilitation process in the center and the process of caring for the family," he concluded.

The resource persons in this activity were psychologists and observers of NTB children. Then a group session was held with the facilitators at BRSAMPK "Paramita" as a means of being able to help each other between parents in overcoming the problems faced. The activity was then closed by reading the wishes that the child had written to his / her parents or family who were present.