PEKANBARU (April 21st 2020) - The Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Rumbai" Pekanbaru received a visit from the Head and staff of the BNI Pekanbaru Branch Office. This visit was carried out in the context of the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (MoU) between BRSAMPK "Rumbai" in Pekanbaru and Bank BNI Pekanbaru Branch regarding the Distribution of Assistance Funds for Children in 2020. This cooperation agreement was carried out as an initial step to accelerate the plan for distributing Child Assistance during the pandemic Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). The acceleration of the distribution of aid is in accordance with the direction of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation during the Video Conference on the discussion of the Child Social Rehabilitation Program (Progresa).

Through BNI, the assistance funds will be distributed to 850 children who have gone through verification and validation by each of the 4 (four) Provinces of Social Services Agency which are included in the BRSAMPK “Rumbai” working area, namely Riau, Riau Islands, West Sumatra, and Lampung Provinces. The assistance will be distributed directly to each child's account in the amount of IDR 1,000,000.00.

Yahya Marwazi, Head of BNI Pekanbaru Branch, conveyed his arrival in addition to the signing of this cooperation agreement, they intend to forge closer friendship between BNI and BRSAMPK "Rumbai", one of which is through the use of BNI accounts in receiving salaries and employee performance benefits.

Through this opportunity, Ahmad Subarkah, Head of BRSAMPK "Rumbai" also explained about the programs and services provided by Balai to service recipients such as handling of Child Victims of Sexual Crimes, Children in Conflict with the Law, Child Victims of Physical Violence, etc. So that in the future BNI is expected to cooperate provide Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds to Balai to facilitate and improve service performance, especially in the areas of access to health, education, and facilities and infrastructure.

Ahmad Subarkah also conveyed that currently the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs is working with BNI in the process of implementing a Cash Management System (CMS) through the BNI Combo Card which is used for distribution of official travel honoraria, airplane ticket payments, and other honoraria for employees.