LEBONG (March 4th 2020) - Aulia Mirza, a Social Worker at the Children's Center "Alyatama" in Jambi, carried out a trial assistance activity for A (16 years) who was caught in a theft case. Social Workers are present to accompany children to provide psychosocial support and to provide input to judges and prosecutors in trials related to children's cases. Aulia Mirza also informed about the existence of the Balai and explained their duties and functions.

Child Center Social Workers synergize with Social Worker Sakti Kab. Lebong and PK Bapas are related to cases of children. Not only accompanying the child in the trial, Aulia Mirza also visited the child's family to clearly know what the case was in order to know the appropriate follow-up and recommendations for the child.

In the context of juvenile justice, social workers act as "defenders and advocates for children's rights". Social workers can also act as 'intermediaries' and 'liaisons' between various interested parties, such as litigants and social services agency as well as prosecutors and courts.

Of course we hope that the assistance of social workers for children in conflict with the law can protect children's rights, and that children are able to learn about their mistakes and violations of the law.