JAKARTA (April 20th 2020) - DKI Jakarta is one of the most affected areas of COVID-19 in Indonesia. This afternoon, the BRSAMPK Handayani Social Worker responded to the complaint from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI). The BRSAMPK Handayani social worker moved quickly to conduct a social assessment.

The complaint from the KPAI regarding the condition of neglect of children who live in the vicinity of Bambu Apus, East Jakarta. The condition of the neglect of the child is caused by the mother who is currently tested positive for COVID-19 and is being treated at a hospital in East Jakarta, while her father has the status of People Under Monitoring (ODP) at Wisma Atlit Hospital Jakarta.

Together with the head of RT, the social workers of BRSAMPK Handayani tried to find information about the condition of the child and the children's needs that had to be met immediately. After talking quite a lot with the head of RT, the social worker immediately visited the child's house to immediately provide reinforcement and counseling regarding the prevention of COVID-19 to children. The two children have been isolated independently for 6 (six) days.

After the assessment was carried out, it was known what the children's needs were, the BRSAMPK Handayani social workers rushed to provide social assistance for case responses for the two children. In addition to food and school supplies such as notebooks and stationery, the older sibling also needs access to internet quotas because school materials are provided through an internet connection. In addition, social workers have also connected the children with the Cipayung Community Health Center for immediate health checks.

Furthermore, the BRSAMPK Handayani social worker will continue to supervise, protect and fulfill the rights and needs of the two children as long as both parents are in hospital care.