MAKASSAR (19 March 2020) – The Minister and Secretary General of Ministry of Social Affairs issued Circular Letter No. 1 of 2020 concerning efforts to prevent Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) outbreak and Circular Letter No. 2 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Work in the Office and Work From Home for government employees of Ministry of Social Affairs to anticipate and prevent occupational exposure to Covid-19.

Today, the government employees of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children in Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Toddopuli in Makassar held a meeting via video conference with the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat. The director-general briefed on the technical implementation guide of services in BRSAMPK Toddopuli.

The briefing was immediately followed up by the Head of BRSAMPK Toddopuli Makassar, Christin Junus, by continuing the meeting with employees through the video conference. It was considered as an implementation of Social Distancing by directing all employees to work from home as of Thursday, March 19.

Harry Hikmat also emphasized that the previous circular letters from the Ministry of Social Affairs remained valid as long as they are in line with each other.

The work is carried out through the use of online media and technology in collaboration with the Information and Data Center of Social Welfare (Pusdatin)/IT experts. If it is needed to give services in the office, there should be shift work and all employees must maintain their health by using masks and hand sanitizers. Besides, it is emphasized that the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) should not carry out activities that bring crowds as well as maintain a social distancing about 1 meter ahead.