BOGOR (December 9th 2019) - Head of General Division of the Secretariat General of Social Rehabilitation, Herman Koeswara, representing the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, gave directions and at the same time officially opened the Evaluation and Equipments for The Social Rehabilitation Center for Ex-Homeless and Beggar (BRSEGP) "Pangudi Luhur" Bekasi which was held in hotels Padjajaran Suite Bogor.

Herman Koeswara gave his appreciation to BBRSEGP "Pangudi Luhur" that in order to improve the implementation of the task of organizing evaluation and at the same time providing employee debriefing. "Of course, this should be used as an arena for reflection. Why can it be said as a reflection event, the first is a reflection on planning and the second is a reflection on the implementation of the next program," said Herman.

In his direction, Herman Koeswara further stated that reflection and evaluation are not only on the program and its implementation but also on the aspects of its human resources.

In accordance with the policy direction stated in the Minister of Social Affairs number 20 of 2018, in carrying out its duties there are 6 new task functions that must be observed by BRSEGP "Pangudi Luhur", namely as a regional program coordinator, pilot centers, case response centers, crisis intervention centers, and institutional strengthening centers. HR.

The activity which lasted for three days from December 9th to 11th was attended by 46 participants consisting of all BRSEGP “Pangudi Luhur” employees in Bekasi.