JAKARTA (December 10th 2019) - The Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic Master of Applied Program held a Field Visit to BRSKPN “Bambu Apus” Jakarta. The activity lasted for two days on December 8th to 9th 2019, filled with joint discussions between students and the Head of BRSKPN, Dani Widarman and Structural Officials and Social Workers.
This activity was attended by 25 group participants (students, lecturers, and a companion team from the Social Worker Study Program) led by Moch. Zaenal Hakim, as the Secretary of the Applied Bachelor Study Program.
Field Visit is a routine activity for semester 1 students of Applied Masters in Bandung Poltekesos. The field trip was intended as a means for students to gather information about the implementation of courses in the practice of direct social work services, including the practice of Social Work in handling Drug Abuse Victims (KPN) at BRSKPN "Bambu Apus" Jakarta.
The series of activities began with the submission of the objectives and mechanism of activities from the group leader and briefing on the drug rehabilitation program being carried out by BRSKPN "Bambu Apus" by the Head of Administration, Dyah Wijayanti. Furthermore, the group conducted field observations and had a dialogue with social workers. The event was continued with presentations and recommendations for the BRSKPN “Bambu Apus” Jakarta drug rehabilitation program.