LAU BAKERI (October 29, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) "Insyaf" Medan implemented a Family Support Group (FSG) for the families of Drug Abuse Victims (KPN) undergoing the Advanced Social Rehabilitation program. The activities carried out in the Hall are part of a series of Social Rehabilitation processes to increase the role of the family in an effort to support the KPN recovery process.

Sulaiman, Head of BRSKPN "Insyaf" Medan, revealed that the Family Support Group is a forum for hospitality, education, consultation and strengthening for service recipient families so that later families have knowledge of how to treat KPN in the home and community environment.

"This activity is very important to develop cooperation, relationships and positive communication within the family, so that service recipients who have undergone social rehabilitation have support in developing social functioning and have social responsibility to the community. We cannot work alone without a role and support from parents, "said Sulaiman.

On the same occasion, Ninik Khotijah as Head of the Social Rehabilitation Services Section stated that FSG activities aim to make all family members have an active role in understanding problems, accepting reality, acknowledging, understanding and encouraging service recipients to participate in social rehabilitation programs.

The FSG activity was attended by 90 families in Aceh and North Sumatra Provinces. The program was divided into 2 sessions, first the family received material from the resource person and the second session was psychosocial therapy to strengthen family commitment in encouraging the recovery of KPN.

Also attending the meeting, the resource persons, Kompol Abdul Jalil and AKP Gunawa from the North Sumatra Regional Police Bimas and Zulkarnain Nasution, a drug practitioner.