BATURRADEN (November 29th 2019) - National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Batang Visit Center for Information and Education (PIE) Napza Baturraden, BRSKP Napza "Satria" in Baturraden.

The head of BNNK Batang, Windarto is present with its ranks of approximately 30 people and received by the head of BRSKP Napza "Satria" in Baturraden Restyaningsih.

BNNK Batang Team was directly guided by the head of social rehabilitation services, Hendra Permana during the stay at PIE Napza "Satria" Baturraden. Starting from the explanation in the theater room where visitors are presented with information in the form of educational videos. Furthermore, visitors are also invited to play educational games and explained about other educational content, including psychosocial therapy services.

This visit is an advanced activity of the signing of cooperation agreement between BRSKP Napza "Satria" in Baturraden with BNNK Batang. In the future, Windarto convey that it will perform the replication of PIE Napza Baturraden on BNNK Batang by means of "observe, emulate, and modify".

Restyaningsih also convey that the relationship that is intertwined with BNNK Batang is a form of network-based cooperation. Hopefully it will form the synergy of social rehabilitation services for victims of drugs abuse," said Restyaningsih.