BATURRADEN (September 28, 2019) - Institute for Social Rehabilitation of Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) "Satria" Baturraden conducts Family Support Group (FSG) for families of Drug Abuse Victims (KPN).
The activity carried out in the Balai Hall is a routine agenda as a form of family participation in supporting the KPN recovery process.
The series of FSG activities is divided into two sessions. First is Family Parenting and Counseling by social workers. Counseling was then continued at the second session, namely the Family Gathering of BRSKPN "Satria" in collaboration with the Banyumas Regency BNN as one of the speakers at this activity.
Restyaningsih as the Head of BRSKPN "Satria" Baturraden revealed that the Family Support Group is a media of friendship, consultation and reinforcement for residents after undergoing social rehabilitation.
"This activity is certainly very important to build positive communication within the family," Restyaningsih emphasized.
On the same occasion, Hendra Permana as Head of the Social Rehabilitation Services Section stated that drug addiction experienced by children is very difficult to recover so that the role and support of parents is needed.
"Don't assume that if a child comes out of the Hall, then everything is settled. Don't expect too much towards your children and ladies. Therefore, we are here to train the ladies and gentlemen in managing it," said Hendra.
BRSKPN "Satria" Strengthens Family Relations

Humas BRSKPN "Satria" Baturraden
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