BEKASI (April 21st 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Technical Implementation Unit of the "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi Center for Elderly Social Rehabilitation (BRSLU) to accelerate the implementation of the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Program (Progres-LU) which includes Assistance for the elderly (Bantu-LU) , Family Support, Social Care and Therapy.

The LU BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" progress was distributed to 16 Provinces according to the service coverage area covering Sumatra and Java. The aim of this acceleration is that the elderly as a group vulnerable to COVID-19 can meet their basic needs and increase their immune system so that they can reduce the risk of being affected by the outbreak.

Head of Balai Budhi Dharma Bekasi, Pujiyanto emphasized that the implementation of the LU Progress Social Assistance must be accelerated, with implementation guidelines based on the Decree of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs RI No. 14/4/HK.01/3/2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Acceleration of the Implementation of the Social Rehabilitation Program for the Elderly during the Emergency Response Due to the Corona Virus Outbreak in Indonesia.

In addition, Budhi Dharma has issued the 2020 LU Progress Technical Guidance, which regulates LKS-LU spread over 16 provinces (throughout Java and Sumatra), as a government partner to play a direct role in channeling aid sent from Budhi Dharma Bekasi, so that it can be immediately distributed to elderly.

Phase I of the accelerated LU Progress assistance was rolled out in March 2020 to three provinces, namely West Java, Banten and Lampung through 43 LKS-LU in the region totaling 3,779 people from Social Welfare Services Recipients (PPKS).

Following Phase II in April 2020, Progres-LU Social Assistance was released to 16 Provinces through 130 LKSLU totaling 7,721 PPKS. The total assistance was given to 11,500 elderly PPKS.

Pujiyanto advised the elderly to use this assistance as soon as possible to meet basic needs; food, clothing, shelter and health, so that the immune system is better and is not susceptible to this corona virus. "Stay at home, wash your hands frequently with soap and running water, and obey the health regulations of the local government, let us go through the LKS-LU, Social Services Agency and other related agencies that provide services to the elderly at home," concluded Pujiyanto.