BEKASI (May 11, 2020) - Responding quickly to community complaints, the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) coordinated with various parties to provide fast treatment for the elderly "S" who lives with poor conditions in Kunir Village, Demak Regency, Central Java.
In the complaint, it was stated that “S” was in a neglected condition, sickly, having difficulty making ends meet and had not received any assistance at all.
Considering that Central Java is one of the provinces in the coverage area of BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi, the Head of the Balai, Pujiyanto immediately ordered the Case Response Team to immediately coordinate and examine with several parties, such as the Demak Regency Social Office, the Elderly Social Welfare Institution (LKS-LU) in Demak Regency and the Elderly Professionals (TPLU) of Central Java Province. The examination aims to obtain complete information related to the case according to procedures and involve the local village government.
From the examination results, it was known that "S" is an 86-year-old widow who lives in Kunir Village, Dempet District, Demak Regency with very poor economic conditions. “S” is sickly and lives alone in a 3x4 meter uninhabitable hut which is far from other residential areas and without toilet facilities. Even though "S" has 5 stepchildren, her stepchildren's condition is also very humble and cannot help "S" in fulfilling "S"'s daily nutritional needs. So far, "S" has been assisted by local residents and rice assistance from the village government.
It is even more concerning that "S" does not have a Family Card (KK) and Identification Card (KTP). As a result, she is not registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) as access to any assistance and guarantees from the government, both PBI BPJS, BPNT, PKH and other official assistance.
From the results of online coordination carried out by the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Center with all relevant parties and has been followed up by the Central Java Provincial TPLU and the Demak Regency Social Office to carry out an "S" needs assessment. It turned out that “S” really needed assistance, health services, social care and e-KTP population identity card services as the basis for submitting ID-DTKS to access government and local government assistance.
In the complaint, it was stated that “S” was in a neglected condition, sickly, having difficulty making ends meet and had not received any assistance at all.
Considering that Central Java is one of the provinces in the coverage area of BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi, the Head of the Balai, Pujiyanto immediately ordered the Case Response Team to immediately coordinate and examine with several parties, such as the Demak Regency Social Office, the Elderly Social Welfare Institution (LKS-LU) in Demak Regency and the Elderly Professionals (TPLU) of Central Java Province. The examination aims to obtain complete information related to the case according to procedures and involve the local village government.
From the examination results, it was known that "S" is an 86-year-old widow who lives in Kunir Village, Dempet District, Demak Regency with very poor economic conditions. “S” is sickly and lives alone in a 3x4 meter uninhabitable hut which is far from other residential areas and without toilet facilities. Even though "S" has 5 stepchildren, her stepchildren's condition is also very humble and cannot help "S" in fulfilling "S"'s daily nutritional needs. So far, "S" has been assisted by local residents and rice assistance from the village government.
It is even more concerning that "S" does not have a Family Card (KK) and Identification Card (KTP). As a result, she is not registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) as access to any assistance and guarantees from the government, both PBI BPJS, BPNT, PKH and other official assistance.
From the results of online coordination carried out by the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Center with all relevant parties and has been followed up by the Central Java Provincial TPLU and the Demak Regency Social Office to carry out an "S" needs assessment. It turned out that “S” really needed assistance, health services, social care and e-KTP population identity card services as the basis for submitting ID-DTKS to access government and local government assistance.
Finally, on Monday, May 11, 2020, BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi distributes social assistance (bansos) for the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Program (PROGRES-LU) to "S" through Hidayatus Solihin Social Welfare Agency (LKS) in Demak Regency, Central Java, accompanied by the Head of Child Affairs, Elderly and Socially Impaired of Demak Regency Social Office, Central Java Province TPLU and Head of Kunir Village. "Budhi Dharma" Center in Bekasi also emphasizes to all parties to increase cooperation and coordination both vertically and horizontally in handling the elderly in their area.
The Head of Kunir Village, M. Ramli also expressed his gratitude to BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi and the Directorate General of Elderly Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs for providing social assistance to "S". The village head is also committed to increase attention to the residents, especially the elderly. The commitment of the village head is shown by the initial step in realizing the identity of the KK and e-KTP in the name of "S" which is also given at the time of distributing the PROGRES-LU social assistance.
''Budhi Dharma'' Center asked Hidayatus Sholihin LKS to provide assistance and advocacy to “S” on a regular basis. If it was urgent, the Center requested the Demak Regency Social Office through the local Social Homes Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) to provide access to services in the homes for "S", the neglected elderly, who becomes the responsibility of the Regional Government.
The Head of Kunir Village, M. Ramli also expressed his gratitude to BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi and the Directorate General of Elderly Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs for providing social assistance to "S". The village head is also committed to increase attention to the residents, especially the elderly. The commitment of the village head is shown by the initial step in realizing the identity of the KK and e-KTP in the name of "S" which is also given at the time of distributing the PROGRES-LU social assistance.
''Budhi Dharma'' Center asked Hidayatus Sholihin LKS to provide assistance and advocacy to “S” on a regular basis. If it was urgent, the Center requested the Demak Regency Social Office through the local Social Homes Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) to provide access to services in the homes for "S", the neglected elderly, who becomes the responsibility of the Regional Government.