BANDA ACEH (October 31, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) “Bahagaia” Medan held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Assistance for Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) at the Grand Arabia Hotel for three days, the 29th - 31 October 2019.
This activity is the assistance of the Center for LKS in each region in order to create cooperation in handling social welfare problems for Social Welfare Services Recipient (PPKS), especially handling HIV / AIDS, in this case people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA).
Sumarno Sri Wibowo as the Head of BRSODH "Bahagia" Medan conveyed the Social Rehabilitation Program for ODHA New Platform | New Passion (PROGRES ODHA NP), where BRSODH "Bahagia" Medan is one of the Technical Service Units (UPT) within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, with new menus, including Assistance (aiming assistance), Therapies covering physical, mental-spiritual, psychosocial and livelihood, Social Care, and Family Support.
With this menu BRSODH “Bahagia” Medan provides social rehabilitation services for PLWHA both inside and outside the hall, which targets for the center in 2019 to be 40 people and 180 people outside the hall with programs and services, namely Time Bound Shelter (TBS) and Response Case. Social assistance is provided in accordance with the services provided by PLWHA.
Head of the Social Rehabilitation of Social Service Division of the Aceh Province, Isnandar said that Social Rehabilitation of People with HIV / AIDS is an effort to combat HIV / AIDS, the provincial government has a strategy related to social rehabilitation services for PLHIV in Aceh Province, namely Social Assistance, Partnerships, Case Response and Advanced Coaching.
The resource person, Saifullah M. Yunus, as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law and UIN Ar-Ranisy explained the material on HIV / AIDS in a Religious Perspective and Efforts to Prevent It and the Participation of the Ministry of Religion in HIV / AIDS prevention. The Ministry of Religion plays a role in preventive efforts (prevention) through counseling both in the sub-district and in guidance for prospective brides as well as collaborating with the relevant Health Office, health education and treatment for PLWHA.
The participation of all parties in
the response and handling of HIV / AIDS in every sector and structure of
society is felt necessary, in order to disseminate correct information
regarding HIV / AIDS and the role of the central and regional governments that
know each other's authority in HIV / AIDS prevention and handling. In addition,
the strengthening of mentoring and cooperation with LKS that have direct
contact with PPKS, in this case PLWHA in each region.