MEDAN (December 11th 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with HIV (BRSODH) “Bahagia” Medan held a declaration and inauguration of Namo Bintang Village as an Inclusive Village for PLWHA. This activity is the culmination of previous activities that have been started since April 2019.

On this occasion, invited guests included the Head of Pancur Batu Sub-District, David Efrata Tarigan, Head of the District Health Office. Deli Serdang, represented by the Head of P2P, dr. Jefri Suska, Head of Namo Bintang Village represented by Village Secretary Sri Uliani Br. Purba, Babinsa, community leaders and religious leaders in the village.

Head of the BRSODH “Bahagia” Assessment Section for Medan, Budi Prayitno, in his report conveyed the chronology of inclusive village activities, starting from socialization, building commitment, to the climax of the declaration and confirmation of Namo Bintang Village as an Inclusive Village for PLWHA and the establishment of a Task Force for Implementing the Namo Inclusive Village. Bintang which involves elements of youth and local community leaders.

The Head of Pancur Batu Sub-District, David Efrata Tarigan greatly appreciates and is proud that the area of ​​Namo Bintang Village, Pancur Batu District was chosen by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through BRSODH “Bahagia” in Medan, becoming a village that cares for PLWHA.

This also made the village for the first time in Indonesia a village that was friendly to PLWHA and eliminated the stigma and discrimination against PLHIV, especially those in Namo Bintang Village. David also expressed his gratitude to the Head of BRSODH “Bahagia” in Medan, Sumarno Sri Wibowo and his staff.

On this occasion, the Head of the Deli Serdang District Health Office, represented by the Head of P2P Health Office, dr. Jefri Suska also gave a speech regarding the information on PLHA data, especially in Deli Serdang Regency, which tends to increase so that the need for people to maintain healthy living habits and HIV prevention can be suppressed and the spread of the HIV virus can be avoided with a commitment from oneself to a healthy lifestyle.

The Head of BRSODH “Bahagia” in Medan, Sri Wibowo also provided direction and reinforcement for all participants regarding the commitment of the people of Namo Bintang Village to eliminate the stigma and discrimination that is still often felt by PLWHA. On this occasion, Sri Wibowo also gave quiz questions to participants and those present at the Namo Bintang Village Hall and distributed prizes in the form of mobile phone credit for participants who answered questions correctly.

The highlight of the event was the Declaration and Inauguration of Namo Bintang Village as an Inclusive Village for PLWHA, marked by the giving of T-shirts to the Task Force for Implementing 12 Inclusive Village Activities and also reading the pledge of commitment by the Head of BRSODH "Bahagia" Medan which was followed by the Namo Bintang inclusive village task force.

The event ended with the inauguration of the name sign for Desa Bintang as an Inclusive Village for PLWHA who had stood tall in front of the Namo Bintang Village Office, Pancur Batu District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.