MEDAN (May 20, 2020) – The Head of BRSODH (Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with HIV) “Bahagia” Medan, Sumarno Sri Wibowo, together with the Head of BRSKPN (Social Rehabilitation Center for Drug Abuse Victims) “Insyaf” Medan representing the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in monitoring the distribution of Cash Social Assistance (BST) that is taking place at the Medan Branch Post Office. The monitoring was welcomed by the Head of the North Sumatra Regional Post Office, Aceh Hidayat,  and the Head of the Medan City Post Office, Fuad.

Fuad said that there were 537,609 Beneficiary Families (KPM) in North Sumatra Province. “There are around 537,609 KPMs in North Sumatra, that's a lot, especially in Medan City, there are around 51,000 (Beneficiary Families), so we have to work optimally so that this distribution runs smoothly, of course, while implementing health protocols,” explained Fuad.

With the large number of KPMs in Medan City, Fuad has planned distribution locations in the sub-districts of each KPM. “This number can create crowds, so we have prepared a task force that distributes BST at sub-district locations, for example at schools or certain places,” said Fuad.

“We have coordinated with the sub-districts, but there is still one more sub-district that has not given a response. We hope that by directly reaching the KPMs, people will not gather to come to the post office and it surely will not burden KPMs for transportation costs,” added Fuad.

Medan residents who received BST from the Ministry of Social Affairs were happy that this assistance can be used to help them pay for school fees and other necessities. The COVID-19 pandemic causes residents unable to fulfill their daily needs. “I have to pay my children’s school fees for 3 (three) months, now my husband does not work anymore, all this time he stayed at home,” explained one of the KPMs when asked by Wibowo.