BANJAR BARU (May 14, 2020) – During the pandemic, meetings via online app were often used in various institutions. This includes the “Budi Luhur” Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) in Banjarbaru, to coordinate with the Social Services in seven districts/cities to distribute Basic Food Social Assistance for Persons with Mental Disabilities and Neglected People.

On this occasion, the Head of the Budi Luhur BRSPDM Banjarbaru, Herry Pawoko, ensured that the Social Service is ready to assist in the implementation of the distribution, which is planned to start on Monday, May 18th, 2020. The amount of social assistance in each city was also conveyed by the Section Head of AAS, H. Nursoleh as the coordinator of this social assistance distribution activity.

It is hoped that this basic food assistance can ease the burden, especially for Neglected People and Persons with Mental Disabilities who are also affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.