BENGKULU (11 November 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Dharma Guna" in Bengkulu held a Socialization on Mental Health Care (Ready for Healthy Men) to students of Integrated Islamic Senior High School (SMAIT) IQRA Bengkulu City. This activity was packaged in the BRSPDM "Dharma Guna" Goes To School activity, which contained counseling to students about the importance of maintaining mental health.

This activity was attended by 35 students with resource persons from the Head of the Center, Psychology Advisors (Kartika Ari Pratama, Social Counselor (Triyoni R.), Social Workers (Marvikatin) and Mental Advisors (Robinhood). This activity also involved the National Anti-Narcotics Generation DPD ( GANN) who conveyed the dangers of substance abuse.

The activity was led directly by the Head of Dardi Hall, he conveyed the importance of maintaining mental / mental health for adolescents and socializing programs implemented by BRSPDM "Dharma Guna" Bengkulu in connection with the 5.0 New Platform Progress.

"Providing education about mental / mental health to the younger generation is very important, advances in Science and Technology (IT) if not treated properly, correctly and wisely, can also trigger mental disorders, depression and even stress," said Dardi.