BENGKULU (March 7th 2020) - The “Dharma Guna” Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities in Bengkulu is the Technical Implementing Unit of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Ministry of Social Affairs the Republic of Indonesia. The Social Rehabilitation Program for Persons with Disabilities (PROGRES PD) implemented by the center consists of : Aimed Assistance; Therapy; Social Care; and Family Support, which is basically to provide the best services for Persons with Mental Disabilities (PDM). Various therapies given to PM are intended to strengthening their carrying capacity in an effort to restore their social functioning.
One of the therapies given to the beneficiaries is Islamic Mental Spiritual Therapy, which is a systematic treatment based on the concepts of Al-quran and Assunnah. Islamic spiritual healing refers to the concept of soul purification (Tazkiyatunnufus). There are three stages of soul purification, namely Takhalli (self-purification stage), Tahalli (self-development stage), and Tajalli (self-discovery stage).
Islamic mental and spiritual therapy has been proven to be effective in influencing and overcoming depression and other psychological disorders. Mental-spiritual healing is very influential in building a sense of self-acceptance so that the beneficiary will no longer feel depressed and regret his fate. Mental spiritual healing can be given so that beneficiaries are able to know and realize themselves, understand their life purpose and know who created them.
Many Mental Spiritual Therapy activities are carried out such as; through religious studies, Ruqyah Syar'iyah Therapy, congregational prayers, learning to read Al-Qur'an and social service cleaning mosques and their environment and traveling to various mosques as a means of socializing to the community. The stages of the Mental-Spiritual Therapy process include assessment of the PM, personal approach, public lectures, assignments and memorizing short verses and prayers of daily practice, so that PPKS is willing and able to follow the Mental Spiritual Therapy process that is conveyed for its benefits.