BALI (October 28, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) "Mahatmiya" Bali, as one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has become a Center of Excellence with the main role of providing advanced social rehabilitation and a source of social services for People with Visual Sensory Disability (PDSN).
As with the activities that have been carried out, the Karangasem Regency Social Service as the organizer of the massage skills training coordinated with BRSPDSN “Mahatmiya” Bali and asked for source persons / instructors from the Balai for the activity. The activity was attended by ten participants and held for seven days. On the last day, participants attended a training as well as a comparative study at BRSPDSN "Mahatmiya" Bali.
One of the objectives of this activity was to increase participants' understanding of the massage techniques implemented at BRSPDSN "Mahatmiya" Bali. This is in line with the function of the center, namely as a center for developing service models. This collaboration is the result of coordination between BRSPDSN "Mahatmiya" Bali and the Karangasem Regency Social Service in the Balai work area as the Regional Program Coordinator.