PONOROGO (November 6, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) "Mahatmiya" Bali signed a cooperation agreement with the Aisyiyah Integrated Blind Orphanage, Ponorogo Regency in the context of realizing social capabilities and social responsibility for the need for social welfare services.

The activity was attended by the Head of BRSPDSN "Mahatmiya" Bali, I Ketut Supena, the Head of the Aisyiyah Orphanage, Imam Fauzan, along with the Head of the Ponorogo Regency Social Service, Supriadi, and employees and foster children of the orphanage.

Before the signing of the collaboration, Supena explained the aims and objectives of this collaboration and also explained the advanced social rehabilitation program organized by BRSPDSN "Mahatmiya" Bali.

"With this cooperation, if the orphaned children do not continue their formal education or university, they can be referred to obtain an advanced rehabilitation program," concluded Supena.

This activity was also very positively responded to by the Head of the Aisyiyah Orphanage and the Head of the Ponorogo Regency Social Service, given the urgency for advanced social rehabilitation services and innovations owned by BRSPDSN "Mahatmiya" Bali for persons with visual sensory disabilities in Ponorogo.

Hopefully, this activity will give birth to an understanding to realize social independence and social capabilities for people with visual sensory disabilities.