BANDUNG (26 November 2019) - Located at the Auditorium of Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) “Wyata Guna” Bandung, on November 24-26 2019, a selection of candidates for Social Workers and Addiction Counselors took place in the context of recruitment and placement of human resources for Recipient Agencies of Mandatory Report (IPWL), as an implementation of the mandate of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, in which the Ministry of Social Affairs is mandated to carry out social rehabilitation for addicts and victims of narcotics abuse.

This activity took place simultaneously in the Provinces of Central Java, East Java, DKI and Banten under the coordination of the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Drug Abuse Victims. The committee selected 218 applicants for the West Java Region including a written test and interview.

"Applicants are a recommendation from IPWL to be placed in their respective IPWL," said Anggit, an officer who participated in the selection process.

In an interview session, Edi Suharto, Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia exchanged ideas with prospective social workers and addiction counselors regarding the standard operating procedures undertaken in carrying out social rehabilitation for addicts and victims of drug abuse, starting from how drugs are distributed in their area, to what extent due to drug abuse, to partnerships with stakeholders in handling addicts and victims of narcotics abuse.

The hope is that Indonesia can be drug-free with the participation of all parties, both Ministries / Institutions, stakeholders through an integrated social rehabilitation policy and system to realize welfare and development towards social justice for all Indonesian people.