SOUTH TANGERANG (21 May 2021) - The Case Response Team from the Budhi Dharma Bekasi Elderly Center for the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia conducted outreach activities for elderly people named Rodion Pandu Shidarta (71) in Rempoa, South Tangerang.


The Budhi Dharma Bekasi Elderly Center sent a case response team consisting of health and social welfare workers to provide comprehensive services to the elderly as well as carry out assessments and motivate the recovery of grandpa Oddy, that is his nickname.


This activity was carried out in response to reports from the community and family that the elderly experienced difficulties in carrying out their daily activities due to physical weakness and total dependence resulting from a decrease in body function as an elderly person and several diseases that were suffering from making his body function decrease.


Decreased function in the elderly is based on the results of the assessment of Activity Daily Living (ADL) and Instrumental Activity Daily Living (iADL) conducted by officers to determine the extent to which a person's physical and cognitive and mental functions can be measured by how capable a person is to carry out daily activities from basic to advanced level.


"Because of my economic limitations and my brother and I also have to take care of my child with mental disabilities, I feel unable to take care of my brother anymore, I hope my sister can get comprehensive services at the Budhi Dharma Bekasi Elderly Center," said RK Widyastuti is the younger sibling of the elderly.


At the request of the family, it is planned that Grandpa Oddy will be picked up by a team from the Budhi Dharma Bekasi Elderly Center on May 25, 2021, to get residential-based services.


"I represent my family want to say thank you very much for the Ministry of Social Affairs, especially the Budhi Dharma Bekasi Elderly Center for visiting my house to see the condition of my brother Oddy," said Widyastuti.