BEKASI (March 19, 2021) – Head of the Budhi Dharma Elderly Center Bekasi, Pujiyanto accompanied by the Head of the Administrative Sub Division, Dewi Kania, received a work visit from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) team of 5 people at the Elderly Agrotourism Center for the Budhi Dharma Elderly Center Bekasi, Thursday (18/3/2021).

Pujiyanto welcomed and felt honored for the visit of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture. Pujiyanto said that the Budhi Dharma Elderly Center Bekasi focuses on providing targeted, integrated and sustainable social rehabilitation services to the elderly with a regional reach of 16 provinces through the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program using a family, community and/residential-based approach.

Furthermore, Pujianto provided information about the functions of residential-based services in the hall that had been implemented. "The center is a place of therapy for the elderly, how I communicate with social workers, do activities and sports almost every day. Planting on agro-tourism land is also used by the elderly to fill their spare time, apart from being a means of socializing between the elderly, the function of therapy also aims to restore the social functioning of the elderly. In the future, hopefully it can be economically productive from gardening, and the elderly can also feel the results," explained Pujiyanto

Coordinator of Intermediate Policy Analysts for Disability Kemenko PMK, Erlia Rahmawati conveyed the purpose of her team's arrival at the Budhi Dharma Elderly Center Bekasi regarding the follow-up to the coordination meeting held by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture that the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture has a coordinating function according to the leadership's policy direction is to directly visit the Center that handles the elderly. "If we don't go to the field, don't see directly, we don't really know what it's like. Because so far we have held coordination meetings with Ministry/Institution under the coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, including the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs," Erlia explained.

The concept of Agrotourism for the Elderly, which was inaugurated by the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs on February 18, 2021, applies the concept of accessibility for the elderly and disabled by adding footpaths, iron handrails on the side of the road, and special roads for the disabled. The management of Elderly Agrotourism that has been made by the Budhi Dharma Elderly Center Bekasi is very good and the suggestions for the future Elderly Agrotourism can also be enjoyed by millennial youth, starting by adding instagramable green open spaces and paths for reflection made of reflection stones that serve to blood circulation according to the direction of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini.

Erlia Rahmawati also conveyed the need for better innovations in Elderly Agrotourism. "It is very good that in the future it can be further developed how this Agrotourism can revive the activities of the elderly at the Budhi Dharma Center. The next 5 to 6 months will definitely be better, because we are currently in the development process,” said Erlia.

"Cooperation with the Tourism Office, the Environment can also be developed as an organized, integrated environment and become a model for an attractive elderly Agrotourism concept," added Erlia.

Visit of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture's 5-person team consisting of the Coordinator of Intermediate Disability Policy Analysts, Erlia Rahmawati; Plh. Coordinator of the Senior Policy Analyst Ginda Manurung along with Syuri Hatiasari, Achmad Budi Santoso and Anindito saw firsthand the activities of the elderly at Budhi Dharma Center Bekasi accompanied by the Head of the Elderly Center, Budhi Dharma Bekasi.