BEKASI (28 May 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) handed over 90 packages of basic food social assistance for people experiencing economic difficulties due to the impact of COVID-19 in Bekasi City and Regency.

The 90 basic food packages will be distributed to 3 (three) Elderly Social Welfare Institutions (LKS LU), namely 30 packages for PSTW Caritas / Bina Bhakti Foundation Jl. Kusuma Utara Wisma Jaya No. 5 Duren Jaya Bekasi Timur, D / H Jl. Prof. Haji. M Yamin Duren Jaya Bekasi City and KPM Posyandu Elderly Perum Griya Bekasi 2, Satria Mekar Sub-District, Tambun Utara District, Bekasi Regency, totaling 30 packages, and PSTW Kartini Kp. Sampora Rt 2 Rw 1 Desa Jaya Sampurna Kec. Serang Baru Bekasi Regency, totaling 30 packages.

He also conveyed that the contents of the basic food social assistance packages in each goodie bag are 1 (one) rice bag containing 5 kg, 1 (one) 1 liter oil pouch, 8 (eight) packs of Instant Noodles, 1 (one) can of 425 Mg Sardines, 1 (one) pack of Eggs (0.5) Kg, 1 (one) pouch of 250 ml Liquid Bath Soap, 1 (one) box of Calcium Milk and 3 (three) packs of Washing Soap.

Meanwhile, for the process of distributing the basic necessities social assistance, a team from the Budhi Dharma Bekasi Elderly Center went straight to the LKS-LU.

The head of the Bekasi Budhi Dharma Center for Elderly, Pujiyanto, emphasized that the target budget refocusing / reallocation is more towards communities that are vulnerable to COVID-19 and have not received government assistance at all.

The Head of PSTW Caritas / Bina Bhakti Foundation, Muhartati, thanked the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Bekasi “Budhi Dharma” Elderly Center for caring and providing basic necessities for PPKS at the Caritas PSTW. "I make sure that the recipients of basic food assistance are right on target according to the direction of the Head of the Bekasi Center for Elderly Budhi Dharma. This assistance greatly eases the burden on the community affected by the impact of COVID-19."

The distribution of basic food assistance in three locations in Bekasi city and Bekasi district runs smoothly without any disturbance and crowd and applies health protocols established by the government.