BEKASI (April 27th, 2020) – The “Budhi Dharma” Social Rehabilitation Center for the Elderly in Bekasi held LKS-LU Technical Guidance (Bimtek) in 16 Provinces (Sumatra and Java) online. Bimtek was carried out in order to equip LKS-LU as a partner of the Center in preparing the distribution of social assistance for the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Program (Progres-LU) to 11,500 elderly according to the criteria.

This activity was attended by 245 participants consisting of 173 LKS-LU, the Head Division of Social Rehabilitation in 16 Provinces, 29 Professional Assistance for the Elderly in 16 Provinces, and employees of the Elderly Center who managed Progres-LU. This Bimtek was opened by submitting a report on the implementation of activities by the Head of the Center, Pujiyanto.

In his report, Pujiyanto said that this activity was intended to build an integrated understanding on the implementation of the provision of Progres-LU assistance so that the elderly were safe, the mentoring strategy for the Bekasi “Budhi Dharma” Center with the Provincial and District/City Social Services and LKS-LU is an effort to improve service quality.

The report submission program was followed by an instruction from the Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito, as the interviewee. He said that the elderly are included in the vulnerable group exposed to COVID-19.

“Currently, the elderly are a priority concern by the President because it is the most vulnerable group to the COVID-19 outbreak. Andi hopes that the Village Chief can make a regional regulation on the elderly. In addition, to strengthen attention to the elderly, LKS-LU as a government partner institution should improve the quality of services and increase the quantity and quality of human resources by adding social workers in each LKS. For the creation, it is hoped that the LKS will coordinate with the provincial and district/city social agencies,” Andi said.

The Head of the Center, Pujiyanto, also explained the process of disbursing and utilizing the Progres-LU social assistance. “The disbursement process has been completed and the assistance has been received through the LKS-LU account. Moreover, LKS-LU can disburse all at once or gradually according to the conditions,” said Puji.

As a depiction, Puji explained that Progres-LU social assistance is divided into 4 (four) activities, namely Aid-LU, Family Support, Social Care and Therapy. The Center has delivered the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of the LU Progress and strengthened by the Director General's Decree regarding the acceleration of Progres-LU. The Bantu-LU ​​component aims to increase the capacity of the elderly in their daily activities. Family support aims to increase family capacity in providing support to the elderly. Social care aims to provide care for the elderly in their daily activities, and therapy is an effort made to increase the mental-spiritual, psychological, physical, and social capacity of the elderly. Accountability of the four components is respectively through receipts. Bantu-LU ​​1.5 million, Family Support 500 thousand, Social Care, and Therapy 700 thousand. So the use of Progres-LU social assistance was adjusted to conditions in the field based on the assessment results of LKS LU facilitators. "Added Puji.

"Keep your distance, physical and social distancing as well as possible, adhere to health protocols, wear masks, hand sanitizers, the point is, both the officers and the elderly are protected," said Puji firmly.

"Please also remember that this progress target is elderly with the criteria of age 60 years and over, potential and not potential, has a NIK, and is registered in the DTKS. For treatment on COVID-19 condition, it is permissible for the elderly who do not have a DTKS ID by using the NIK in their e-KTP but they will immediately follow up on the process of submitting their ID-DTKS. " said Puji firmly.

Furthermore, replacement of beneficiaries can be made if the elderly have moved outside of the LKS-LU work area, if the elderly have died, and if the elderly receive other cash assistance from the central and local governments. For the elderly who live alone, a guardian or family substitute can be appointed from a caring neighbor or from the LKS itself. "So, the use of progress-LU assistance, please do it in accordance with the provisions in accelerating the handling of COVID-19 by considering the results of the assessment of the needs of the elderly, and the mechanisms in the field are regulated by the LKS-LU," Puji concluded.

At the end of the meeting, Andi reminded that if it was found that the elderly had received double assistance, the LKS should check again whether the assistance was continuous or only once. If it continues, then they will replace it according to the applicable procedure.